Frequently Asked Questions
Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.
What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?
It depends on your country and shipping type.
Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?
Our shopping mall only uses PAYPAL.
How long will delivery take?
It depends on your country and shipping type. Generally it takes 14~30 working days by standard shipping.
Do you receive Wholesale order? How can I contact ?
Yes, Of course. Please CONTACT us by UNIQSUM website.
What exactly happens after ordering?
As soon as we receive your payment, our team will prepare and dispatch your order. This operation can take from 24 to 72 hours.
Orders are prepared and dispatched on business days only (from Monday to Friday).
Do I receive an invoice for my order?
The invoice will be sent after payment by e-mail. If you didn’t receive it, pls feel free to contact us.
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